Friday, November 1, 2013

Assassin's Creed IV, Saints Row and more!

Thank God It's Friday!

Since it's Friday, it's time for another update via blog from me!  Remember to follow my blog and also go to my YouTube channel, because this post pertains directly to that!

Beyond: Two Souls
My computer was being dumb and for some reason, it stopped recording at one point during the Dragon Base mission.  I was able to record the rest of the game, but I'm currently replaying the game to get to that point.  Apparently, when you start a new game, you lose all chapters lol.  I'll have that uploaded in a couple of weeks!  Promise!

Saints Row IV
I started recording Saints Row IV a couple weeks ago.  Things are going pretty well with SR:IV.  I don't have a backlog of videos and commentary to cut, my character is getting to be pretty strong, and I'm having fun messing around off-camera.  I'll start recording SR:IV after I get caught up on Assassin's Creed 4.

Assassin's Creed 4
It hasn't been viewed on my channel yet, but I *do* have Assassin's Creed 4.  I recorded a helluva lot of footage and currently am bogged down with that.  Just make sure you guys look for it in the near future!  The playlist is now up!  Check it out here: Assassin's Creed Playlist

Remember to follow what I do at other websites, particularly YouTube where I run the White_Mocha Walkthroughs gaming channel!  Like, comment on my videos, and then why don't you subscribe?  All the support helps and I can't do it without you!

Links to other social websites
Instagram - TheKevinWright

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