Friday, October 25, 2013

White_Mocha Plays Saints Row IV!

Good Friday everyone!  I'm just here with a quick update for ya'll.  I've started to play Saints Row IV and am doing a walkthrough of it.  I might do Batman: Arkham Origins, but that'll be later after I'm done uploading Uncharted, Beyond: Two Souls, and Saints Row IV.  The link for the newest playlist will be down below.

Have you played Saints Row IV, and if you did, did you like it??  Let me know in the comments below!! Thank you!!

Saints Row IV Playlist
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Watch_Dogs Delayed!!! My Thoughts

Watch_Dogs has been delayed as per October 15th, 2013.  I can honestly say that Watch_Dogs was my most anticipated launch title for next-gen.  Using your cell phone to hack virtually anything?  An anti-hero who will do anything he can to reach the endgame?  Something fresh to add to the plate?  Ubisoft, take my money!!

I was so hotly anticipating this title, that I even pre-ordered the PS4 Watch_Dogs bundle from Amazon.  Now, I don't plan to cancel my pre-order from Amazon despite this news.  I enjoy gaming on the PlayStation brand, and this isn't a deal breaker for me.  I am, however, disappointed that Ubisoft opted to push this game and also The Crew (another great game I was anticipating) "deep into 2014."  Something tells me it'll release around the July or August date, just in time for college to start back up.  However, Ubisoft said that they want to polish the game up some more, so if they'll make an already gorgeous game even more gorgeous, I am all for it!  Ubisoft, I can wait a couple more months, but please make it worth it!  I'm excited to play your game!  They have my support by delaying the game, as I'm still going to play it despite the delay.  Who knows?  They might be able to start working on Watch_Dogs 2 when they start to get done polishing the game!

While I wont be playing in the beautiful Watch_Dogs version of Chicago, I still can't wait for when it releases, as I'll probably get it Day 1.

What do you guys think?  Continue the conversation in the comments section below!

Follow me on Twitter - @TheKevinWright
Add me to your circle: Google+ - Kevin Wright
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel - White_Mocha Walkthroughs

Friday, October 11, 2013

Beyond: Two Souls Playlist Up Now


Good morning everybody!!  I'd just like to let you know that GTA V is done and I'll try to get all that up soon!  On another note, I'm starting to work on Beyond: Two Souls for the PS3.  I've got the first 40 minutes up on youtube!  I'll post a link below!  Please comment, like and subscribe to my channel!  It'll help show that all important support!

Beyond: Two Souls Playlist on Youtube
Follow me on Twitter - @TheKevinWright
Add me to your circle: Google+ - Kevin Wright
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel - White_Mocha Walkthroughs

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Playstation System Update "4.50" is Out Now

Sony releases an update geared toward the now-official PSN
Good morning everybody!

Some features have been revised in the new update for the Playstation 3.
I'll quote it straight from the update screen so there's no confusion.

  1. "You can now set for each game whether to show trophies.  Select a game from [PSN] > [Trophy Collection], and then select [Privacy Settings] from the options menu to adjust settings."
  2. ""PlayStation Network" is now "PSN".  In accordance with this change, the [PlayStation Network] category has been renamed [PSN]
I could see how the trophy thing could work out, but I have no idea why they shortened PlayStation Network to PSN.  Maybe it's because they've decided to make the abbreviation official?

What're your thoughts on update 4.50?  Should they have done it, or shouldn't they have?  Continue the conversation in the comments below!

Follow me on Twitter - @TheKevinWright
Add me to your circle: Google+ - Kevin Wright
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel - White_Mocha Walkthroughs

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Grand Theft Auto V Live Commentary Up Now!

Good morning everyone!  If you've read the title, you'll know that I now have live commentaries up for Grand Theft Auto V.  You can go and watch the video here!  Please leave comments in the comment section with comments of how I can improve on my commentary!  Thank you everyone!

Follow me on Twitter - @TheKevinWright
Add me to your circle: Google+ - Kevin Wright
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel - White_Mocha Walkthroughs