Buns and Guns XT focused on - surprise surprise - the arms and the buttocks. During this workout, which had a lot of mat work in it, I was constantly using my leg band and i'm pretty sure i used my arm band as well. I remember not being able to walk as proper or with as much power as usual, possibly because workout made my limbs cry uncle. The workout, thankfully, was only 33 minutes long. "But Kevin", you all might be asking, "why was this workout so short??" Well, I'll answer this question with one thing: Ultimate Abs XT. That's right, a 33 minute workout of blood-gushing pumpiness to the limbs followed by massive core work is never easy. There were times where I just wanted to stop and leave, but I had to persist, especially since I had never done anything like B&G before.
Muay Thai focused on the martial arts style of fighting. You were introduced to advanced techniques that MMA fighters use to take their opponent down. Punches, hooks, uppercuts, kicks, you name it and it happened. I went no shoes and socks for this because I wanted to get a good workout like the actual MMA fighters did. Boy, did it ever work! I felt that i got solid calves from it and also I was greeted with burning feet and legs. Part of the reason why my feet were hurting was because I don't usually get too much foot workouts in.
What I mean when I say that is many third world countries, such as most parts of Africa for example, walk around without shoes most of their lives or have a very small cushion between flesh and earth. Their feet get toughened by walking around all day. By no means is this safe because of infections, but going every now and then without shoes for a workout will give you strong, tough feet. Next time you do cardio work, sprints or something, try to go without shoes for as long as possible and I'm sure you will be having burning feet afterwards.
Lastly, I'm giving myself a pat on the back for completing my first month of tapout! I have completed 28 days of tapout and on Tuesday, I do a weigh-in to see how I have progressed since day 10 and ultimately day 1! I was going to talk about iTunes 11 but that is going to have to be another day. Have a good night everyone!
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