- Find a place to live
- Sign with the Fit Model Agency I've been in contact with.
- Sign with an Acting Agency
- Get a regular job
There's this organization I was discovered at. It's called Applause Rising Talent Showcase or The ARTS for short. About 400-500 performers are hand selected by the enthusiastic international talent scout that runs the whole thing. She's a pretty cool cat. You go for a week to the World Center Marriott in Orlando and perform in a variety of performances in front of leading executives of the Fashion and Entertainment Industry.
My goal was to get signed and move out to LA to pursue an acting career. However, things didn't work out that way. I was discovered by two former Ford Models who are leading experts in the Fashion Industry in New York. (Now we're getting to the good part)
During the callback session, I was put in contact with the first Big and Tall Model to ever do it. He put me in contact with the top rated fit model agency in New York. While it snowed in Nebraska, there was things I needed to do before I moved to NY, so I was running all over trying to learn more about the business.
When it came time to move to NY, I was in constant contact with both the former Ford Model and the B&T model as well as the Agency. When I met with the lead Booker (person who books the gigs for the models), she took my measurements and everything. Then they put me into the system. And boom, I was signed with an agency.
Now, there wasn't any exchange of signing papers and stuff. If you're wondering why, I was perplexed as well. Well, in NY, they don't have exclusivity. What I mean when 'exclusivity' is mentioned, it means that unless you make good money for them (think whoever Dwayne Johnson is signed with, or a very experienced actor or model) you don't need to sign an exclusivity contract. But I am signed with them and they will be getting paid when I get paid.
Now, I await my first call for a gig. Wish me luck!